Professor Chi Xiaoling"s experience in using time-based medicine to diagnose and treat insomnia caused by liver diseaseLi Luping1, Cai Yongwang2, Xie Yubao3, Chi Xiaoling3
中文关键词: 池晓玲,肝病不寐,时间医学,中医药,针灸
英文关键词: Chi  Xiaoling, insomnia  due to  liver disease, time  medicine, traditional  Chinese medicine, acupuncture  and moxibustion
基金项目:国家中医药管理局全国名老中医药专家池晓玲传承工作室建设项目 (No.国中医药人教函[2022-75号]) 广东省中医师承“薪火工程”项目[粤中医办函〔2021〕123号]
李旅萍 惠州市第三人民医院 516002
蔡永旺 惠州市惠城区中医医院 
谢玉宝 广东省中医院 
池晓玲 广东省中医院 
      Professor Chi Xiaoling pioneered a multidimensional and three-dimensional series therapy system for the diagnosis and treatment of liver disease, emphasizing the application of time medicine in disease diagnosis and treatment. This article summarizes Professor Chi"s understanding and experience in using time medicine to diagnose and treat insomnia in liver disease. Professor Chi believes that the cause of insomnia in patients with liver disease is often due to emotional factors; The pathogenesis is Shaoyang Qi stagnation, disharmony between the liver and spleen, and the inability of yang to enter yin; Its diagnosis and treatment experience includes comprehensive sleep guidance for day and night, solar terms, and four seasons, as well as the selection of medication and acupuncture points according to the time, thus helping liver disease patients improve their insomnia symptoms.
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