基于数据挖掘的陆付耳教授治疗2型糖尿病用药规律分析 |
Analysis of Professor Lu Fuer"s Medication Rule in Treating Type 2 Diabetes Based on Data MiningHe Qiongyao1, Gong Jing2, Dong Hui2, Wang Dingkun2*, Lu Fuer2* |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 2型糖尿病 数据挖掘 用药规律 关联规则 复杂网络 |
英文关键词: Type 2 diabetes Data mining Law of medication Association rules Complex network |
基金项目:国家自然科学(批准号:82274470)。 |
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目的 运用数据挖掘方法分析总结陆付耳教授治疗2型糖尿病的用药经验。方法 基于陆付耳教授786名2型糖尿病患者的就诊信息,利用网络分析、关联规则等方法对用药配伍规律进行数据挖掘。结果 年龄40-59岁就诊人数最多,有407例,占比51.8%;中药使用频率最高的前5名的分别是:甘草(778次,99.0%)、大枣(745次,94.8%)、葫芦巴(731次,93.0%)、桑白皮(695次,88.4%)、黄连(605次,77.0%);药物功效分类中频率最高的是补虚药(5046次,38.9%);网络分析结果显示,葫芦巴为核心药物。关联规则结果显示,葫芦巴-桑白皮-桑叶(CI:0.99)、丹参-葛根(CI:0.96)、桑白皮-肉桂(CI:0.95)均是置信度较高的配伍组合;方剂使用情况中,扶阳解毒降糖方(388次,51.7%)、交泰丸(56次,7.5%)、补肾健脾方(29次,3.9 %)、补肾通络排毒方(28次,3.7%)和健脾方(21次,2.8 %)使用频率位居前5。结论 2型糖尿病整体治疗原则以“益气养阴”兼顾“解毒扶阳”为主,治疗方法以 “扶阳固本,补肾健脾”、“ 清热解毒,化痰除瘀”、“活血通络,祛瘀生新”为核心,切中中医诊疗过程中糖尿病复杂多变的病机特点。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To analyze and summarize Professor Lu Fuer"s medication experience in treating type 2 diabetes by data mining. Methods Based on the information of 786 patients with type 2 diabetes treated by Professor Lu Fuer, the data of drug compatibility were mined by network analysis and association rules. Results The number of patients aged 40-59 was the largest, with 407 cases, accounting for 51.8%. The top five most frequently used Chinese medicines are Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch (778 times, 99.0%), Jujube (745 times, 94.8%), Fenugreek (731 times, 93.0%), Cortex Mori (695 times, 88.4%) and Rhizoma Coptidis (605 times, 77.0%). The highest frequency of drug efficacy classification is tonic drugs (5046 times, 38.9%); The results of network analysis showed that fenugreek was the core drug. The results of association rules show that fenugreek-Mulberry bark-Mulberry leaf (CI: 0.99), Salvia miltiorrhiza-Pueraria lobata (CI: 0.96) and Mulberry bark-Cinnamomum cassia (CI: 0.95) are all compatible combinations with high confidence. Among the prescriptions used, Fuyang Jiedu Jiangtang Recipe (388 times, 51.7%), Jiaotai Pill (56 times, 7.5%), Bushen Jianpi Recipe (29 times, 3.9%), Bushen Tongluo Paidu Recipe (28 times, 3.7%) and Jianpi Recipe (21 times, 2.8%) ranked in the top five. Conclusion The principle of overall treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus is "invigorating qi and nourishing yin" and "detoxifying and supporting yang", and the treatment methods are "supporting yang to consolidate the foundation, tonifying kidney and strengthening spleen", "clearing away heat and toxic materials, eliminating phlegm and removing blood stasis" and "promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, removing blood stasis and promoting innovation", which hit the point of the complicated and changeable pathogenesis characteristics of diabetes mellitus in the process of TCM diagnosis and treatment. |
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